Sunday, August 17, 2008


Okay so I just got back from my friend's wedding and I had been kicking the idea of starting one of these fancy shmancy blog-thing-a-majig for a while but I was just too lazy. 

So what got me to get off my ass and post? Well, for some reason, at the wedding I realized how much time had passed since college. So many of my friends are starting families and beginning their "grown up" life and I couldn't help thinking what had changed in me since college.

 I thought about how I used to draw for the love of it and how much I missed creating something all my own. It's funny cuz I really don't like to draw anymore. I've built my career around making other people's ideas/stories come to life on screen that I never really had the chance to take pride in something that was inherently me...

So when I arrived home, I decided that I would use this blog to light a fire under my ass and do just what I really missed .... 

So as my first piece I present one of the earliest drawings I did when I was in college that I was really really proud of. I look at it now and I see a whole LOT of mistakes but back then, this was really the pinnacle of what I could do and it was a great inspiration for me. 

As for the title of this blog, I guess you could say that, for me, drawing is extremely frustrating, time consuming, and downright mean on most days. But on the days where inspiration hits and your lines can do no wrong,  it's magical.


Kristina Bustamante said...

You made that drawing in college!??? Jeebus, you were an art god before you even got your ass kicked by storyboards. Freakin' awesome!

Oh, and welcome to the happy world of Blogger, haha ^_^

JAY OLIVA said...

heh heh thanks...

Yup I did that at the ripe young age of 18. (dang I'm old) I still don't think I'd ever do anything as detailed as I used to,

Thanks,, hopefully I can keep posting but work is constantly kicking my ass.

Marnie Brumder said...

Wow! It's wonderous! Haha I like the tiger! It is very detailed! I like the babe!
The only person I know who draws WITHOUT frustration is Brendan, but I think he withheld the truth when I asked. As for the rest of us, drawing is an incredibly painful process, in which you are trying to fix that last line you just drew and then move on to make more lines that must be fixed. I myself draw millions of scribbles and then assume that if I cover them with paint I don't have to worry about the lines... Unfortunately I now have to worry about the damned paint!
The whole point here is that I am drawing for myself, and it is painful... maybe if I draw for work it won't? doubtful.
Sorry it's long! Welcome to Blogger Professor!